The object of the prayer
chain is to like and re-blog
a continual Prayer.
We have started a fire now lets cause it to spread!
Heavenly Father We come to you in a chain prayer.
Our hope is that this prayer will be a constant act of worship and power
from earth to heaven and back to earth.
Father we pray for the lost. Those who are clouded by this world and the things of it.
We pray you will turn their eyes towards heaven and You.
We pray for a revival in Your name.
Cause Your fire of love and truth to burn in our hearts.
Cause us to rise up as children of God that provoke Your spirit to move again as in Acts.
We pray we would play a part In the Blind seeing, The deaf hearing and the lame to leap.
We pray for the power to break strong holds, addictions, anger, adultery, murder, fear,
and anything else that hinders us from becoming all you desire.
I pray for a pouring out of your spirit, an anointing of your spirit on all who read
and respond to the chain.
People across the nations joining hands by this miracle of the Internet and joining hearts
to honor and glorify your name.
Father protect us and our children from sickness.
Give us gifts of the spirit to bless in your name.
Give us an ever increasing faith and the ability to carry our cross.
Father we praise you. .
I thank everyone who joins in this prayer .
ME and the Boss