Sunday, December 26, 2010

Soul Food.

Number 22


The Daily Challenge

from #reverb10,

December 26, 2010

Prompt: Soul food.

What did you eat this year
that you will never forget?
What went into your mouth
& touched your soul?

For this entire month, with every prompt, I end up referencing
that I am getting older.

With age, most things are better; gratitude, happiness, love,
friendships, but, unfortunately, there are also some down sides.

The body is the biggest downside to growing old and things,
like the metabolism, just don't work as well as they used to,
ergo, the diet must be altered to prevent the body from becoming
morbidly obese.

However, the soul still loves the food and with a change in attitude
and a little moderation of the intake, the enjoyment of fine dining
is still close to the top of my gratitude list.

Since 1974, I have not eaten beef, pork or any warm blooded animal meat,
the exception being a piece of turkey on the appropriate holidays, and of
course cold blooded fish and other sea food, such as shrimp and clams,
are on the diet.

I am a 66 year old American male who has never had a hamburger from McDonald's.

Ova, lactose, I do enjoy an omelet w/cheese once a month, must watch that
cholesterol, otherwise, I am not a very picky eater.

Cholesterol ???, my parents and grandparents did not know what it was and
it did not influence their diets, or their work ethic.
Therefore, I am under the opinion that Cholesterol was invented by the drug
companies so they could sell more pills. Ask your doctor, those who do not
have stock in the drug company, and the will tell you exercise and physical
labor are better than any pill.

I am also blessed to have a wife who is a very good cook, therefore my soul
is very happy to eat any food that we bring to the table.

Although it is only the two of us anymore, it is still important that we shop together,
cook together and sit together to eat our meals. Clean up is still my job.

Body, mind and soul, keep it together and all of life's little details become
chicken soup for the soul.

Happiness is body, mind and soul, enjoying a good meal.



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