Tuesday, April 22, 2014

An Alphabetical Ode

 Air of renewal in
 Boston for Patriots Day
 Calliope of runners
 Disembark, challenging their
 Endurance -
 Family and friends
 Gather -
 Heeding security, yet
 Indigent to celebrate and be
 Laughter mixes with the
 Kick start of tears.
 Mastering confidence and the
 Needs of the city and
 Of the nation – a
 Proud peoples
 Question memories.
 Restructured for
 Safety – the crowds still
 Turn out in full force
 Undulating arms,
 Voicing sideline support
 Watch and wait
 Xanthein tulips sway their
 Yellow for the brave – in the
 Zone, everyone cheers!




A new friend, Jules Paige,

from way up north in cold and snowy Pennsylvania,

a very creative and prolific writer who always entertains.

More to come.


ME and the Boss






1 comment:

  1. Ah...honored. I forgot where this place was, but I had it in a safe place...

    I have a site here at 'B' too ;)

    Where you aware of the haiku meme of:

    That is what my "B" site has become home too...
    (I can't help myself...I enjoy creating with words.)
    ~Jules - from the now warming up north ;)
