Thursday, May 19, 2011

HE IS NOT YOUR father. I AM.

I just wanted to remind you today

of how beautiful you are because

there is a father of lies who will

try to deceive you.

He will try to tell you that you are

not good enough, not attractive enough,

not thin enough, not strong enough,

not smart enough, not righteous enough,

and that you are simply unimportant to Me.

He will try to tell you that you have broken one too many promises,

that you have fallen one too many times, that you have lived one too many lies,

and that you've been going in the wrong direction so long that it is pointless

to turn back now.

But guess what?


HE IS NOT YOUR father. I AM.

You see, you are My creation. My workmanship.

You have been borne of My thought, every part of you placed together

by My hands. You have My thumbprint upon you. You are a princess/prince,

 did you know that?

You are My child, the child of THE King! I look at you and see a precious,

priceless pearl. There is no ocean I would not swim, no mountain

I would not climb, no price I would not pay to have you and to be with you

and call you my own.

I already have.

I have done all that I could, given all that there is. I desire to be

with you every moment of every day.

How I long for you to talk to Me every day. My love for you never grows cold.

My promises are never broken (contrary to what he might lead you to believe).

My character never changes. And you, my child have been made in My image.

I love you dearly, unconditionally and completely. I understand every emotion

that you have. I've been there. I count every tear that you cry. I know every hair

on your head. And do you know what? I even know your weaknesses and your

failures and your fears. I know those hidden parts of you that you wish would go away.

Those dark corners of your world that you stuff deep down, praying that no one

will ever see. I have already seen them and they will not change my love for you.

Nothing will. I love your heart and I desire all of it.

I just wanted to remind you today of how beautiful you are

and how precious you are to Me.

With Unmeasurable Love,

Your Heavenly Father

by helpmegrow -

In The Rooms...Thu, May 19, 2011 at 3:55:52 am                       

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tiny Wisdom: On Asking for Help

 “It’s not the load

 that breaks you down;

  it’s the way you carry it.”

  -Lena Horne

We often think that admitting struggle is a sign of weakness,
but we all struggle sometimes.
We all get overwhelmed sometimes.
We all need help sometimes.
Acknowledging this is not a sign of weakness, but struggling alone
is a choice to grow weak.

We all need each other. No one is an island.

The good news is that people really do care.

Think about it. If someone you know was hurting, would you offer your support?
If someone you know got into a tough situation, would you help them find a solution?
You’d probably want them to come to you–to know that you care and they can trust
and depend on you.
Why not give them the opportunity to do the same for you?
Why push yourself to your breaking point when there are people who’d be honored
to help lighten your load?

If you’re carrying more than you can handle today, choose to let some of it go
by letting someone else in.
You may feel vulnerable asking for help, but wouldn’t the world be a better place
if we all learned to depend on each other?

by:  Lori Deschene
Buddha statue in niche with evidence of offerings, legs in the lotus position, Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal



Remove from me

 any prejudices

that might lead me

to think of myself

as better than someone else.

If anyone should be negative

towards me,

inspire me to remain positive

towards them.

Because we are all different,

there are many things

I need to learn from others,

and so I ask for the gifts

of understanding and wisdom

and a clear vision

that will lead me to treat others

as I would like them to treat me.


by:   helpmegrow

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tiny Wisdom: On Being Honest with Yourself


 is telling 


the truth. 

And honesty 

is telling 

the truth 

to other people.” 

-Spencer Johnson

Only you know if you’ve been lying to yourself. 

Other people may think they know what’s going on in your head 

and what’s right for you. But only you know what you need to do 

and whether or not you’re doing it.

Only you know what you believe and whether or not you’re honoring it.

Only you know what your values are and whether or not you’re upholding  them.

Only you know if you’re projecting onto other people to avoid taking responsibility 

for your own life.

And only you can decide to get brave, stop lying, and start being the person 

you know you want to be–in thoughts, words, and actions.

Have you been lying to yourself–

and is it time to start creating happiness in the way that only you can?

May 06, 2011 12:26 am | Lori Deschene

buddha watching over Fern

Friday, May 6, 2011

Listen - Silent

I was taught

a lesson

that just

six simple letters

could make

a difference.

Those six letters

make the word


Those letters,

when rearranged, also spell the word


I never truly understood that until the day I stood silent

and learned there was more to life than everyday living.

When you don't take the time to listen and be silent

then everything is easily taken for granted.

The things I wasn't silent for and listened for, I now miss the most.

A simple I love you from my child.

The request of a loved one that I was too busy for at the time.

Little did I know, that if I stayed quiet and savoured things,

I could have imprinted their voices in my mind

and made memories that would have lasted.

The one thing I always will be thankful for is that I learned

my lesson and heeded the call.

But also that God truly is silent and listens for my every need,

but in return if I'm silent, I can also hear from Him.

By: my friend Wendy,

Sussex, England   5/6/2011

ME and the Boss


Learn to listen and listen to learn...




