Sunday, November 2, 2014

Winter is of the night ...

Sometimes life                         

gets in the way

It has been some time

since the last post.

Sharing a new poem

from Pittsburgh

urban gardener

Chris Condello...

. . .

Red sky mourning… Red sky and the mourning doves…
Yellow leaves grace trees rising above…
Spring is a whimper… Summer is a reply…
Autumn is the way the seasons try to say goodbye…

Summer is falling… Fruit is rotting on the frozen ground…
Mourning doves fly through the winds winter bound…
Frozen time lost in the name of sleep…
When we wake the spring clouds will thunder and weep…

Winter is of the night… Winter is a time of passing…
Winds send the naked trees suddenly crashing…
Darkness lasts longer than the winter sun…
I am of the daylight… Together we are one…

plant petunias and question everything – chriscondello


Love, hugs and blessings ...ME and the Boss




