Sunday, February 9, 2014


It’s just another fact of life…
We all want to be equal…
Oftentimes it is at the expense…
Of the other teams people…

 Equality can not be won…
It is not domination…
It will be a product…
Of peaceful motivation…

 Equality is not an excuse…
To bash enemy faces…
Surely not the occupation…
Of our public places…

 Equality is the combination…
Of our dreams and ideas…
Equality will be a chapter…
In future encyclopedias…

We will all read and laugh…
And realize we were wrong…
We all dream the same dreams…
We all sing freedom songs…

 The only thing that’s different…
Our attitudes towards others…
I’d still be willing to bet…
We all love our mothers…

 We are all brothers…
We are all sisters…
We are all just little people…
In a big world of misters…

 It’s time to be complimentary…
Agree we are on the same land…
Red… Green… Blue… Nor black…
Has the right to oppress a man…


 plant petunias and question everything – chriscondello


– Whitney Avenue – Wilkinsburg, PA


ME and the Boss






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