Saturday, December 11, 2010

11 Things

Number 7 in The Daily challenge from #reverb10, December 11, 2010

Prompt: 11 Things.
What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011?
How will you go about eliminating them?
How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

As an older person who can no longer see his toes
I have been reduced to counting  up to ten, fingers only.

Of all of the things in my life that I don't need it is the belly,
sure would be nice to see my toes again, and maybe learn to count to eleven.
I weigh less now than I did at the beginning of  2010..
I guess that means I need to stick to diet, exercise more and practice a little more honesty,
all together that should help me to continue to lose the weight.

Naming nine or ten more things that my life doesn't need in 2011 is an easy
list to make, but, what I can do to eliminate that list has no or few  possibilities.

1.Bad government (politicians). I vote, however....
2, Mean people. I pray, however...
3. Taxes, registrations and fees. See number 1....
4. Bad drivers. I live in Florida where old, even older than me, people
         are driving long after their abilities have diminished, if they ever had any
         abilities to begin with. I practice patience and tolerance, sometimes....
         (Also see number 2...)
5. Handicapped parking license plates. Mental handicaps do not qualify,
        wheelchairs only need to apply...
6. Television news reporting, needs to be labeled entertainment, however...
        (This one I can eliminate, I don't turn on the TV...)
7. Athletes being paid millions upon millions while children starve..
        (This one I can eliminate, I don't patronize the professional sports or their
         sponsors and I seek out charities that I know provide real benefits.)
8. Big buck charities. If they own huge buildings, have high paid executives,
        spend big time advertising budgets, please ....remember the local little guy
        whose return on donation is not only financially beneficial, but they also know
        how to share the love....
9. Government spending of unaccountable billions of dollars in foreign aid,
        while our own country is falling apart. Money being given to bad governments,
        crooked politicians,welfare states that hate begins at home,
        i.e.. Louisiana is still in need of infrastructure assistance, Detroit is dying and
        Philadelphia has a whole lost generation of young children, crack cocaine babies,
        that will forever be a burden on the jails, the police, the courts and the welfare
        institutions. The cost to provide safety and security could  economically  destroy that city.

10.  Enough is enough...
        Think positive...God has given me more than enough...time to get out my gratitude list
        and think of all the wonderful gifts I have received, many, many more than 11...

      May your life be blessed in 2011and may God take away those things that He knows
       you do not need, and may you learn to be more thankful for what you do have.
       Be  kind, be loving, be patient and tolerant, be the person your dog thinks you are,
       the person God wants you to be.


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