Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beautifully Different

Number 4 in The Daily challenge from #reverb10, December 8, 2010

Prompt: Beautifully different.
Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up.
Reflect on all the things that make you different - you'll find they're what make you beautiful.

As an old, on Social Security, man who was never that much to look at, being different,
being myself was the key to having a beautiful heart.

As a younger person I tried to keep up with the Joneses, I wanted to fit in.
I was sociable and did whatever the crowd was doing, but the selfish and the self centered
crawled into their caves and their closets and found families, work, religion, and other fraternal
and social groups to join that ascribed to their lifestyle.
Me, I found myself sitting at the local watering hole,  evaluating and judging
those who now scorned me.

The kindred spirits of the backward brain saved me from myself.

I was fortunate to find a number of addictive personalities who had found a way to
extricate themselves for the clutches of their disease and with the help of  a
Higher Power, to have themselves restored to sane thinking.

I'm O.K., you'r O.K., it is the rest of the world that makes us wonder,
what is sane???

Today, when somone ask, "How is it going?", I respond with,
" it is going, in spite of me."
Today, I no longer aspire to keep up, and if I ever did catch
up to "it", I probably would not know what to do with "it" anyways. .

Today, I smile, I listen, I nod my head, I am thankful to be who I am.

My God does not make any junk.

Everything is beautiful, there is balance in my life.
There are some days that are better than others, but today I am thankful
for every beautiful day given to me by The Spirit of the Universe,
The Great Creator.

Today, my beauty is just the reflection of my faith in a world that is
beyond my comprehension, beyond what words can describe,
beyond being beautiful..

The real beauty is , Thank You God, that we are all different.

Happiness is just being another star in God's Universe.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I discovered a man amidst the Reverb10 posts! That makes two I have found so far! Fantabulous....

    I especially enjoy this line: >> Happiness is just being another star in God's Universe. <<

    Read my Reverb10 post here.
