Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Number  10 in The Daily challenge from #reverb10, December 14, 2010

Prompt: Appreciate.
What's the one thing you have come to
appreciate most in the past year?
How do you express gratitude for it?

The joys of growing older,

every day is to be appreciated,

every sense that still works is

greatly appreciated,

every memory

is a celebration of life,

and the thing to be appreciated the most is just being a part of God's world.

I express my gratitude and appreciation for being a part of God's world
by writing every day. Writing nice things, thoughts given to me by family,
friends,aquaintances and even sometimes the total stranger.
There are two sides to every coin. God's world is life and death, yin and yang,
good and evil, dark and light, chocolate and vinalla and I have learned
to appreciate all that exist in the Great Creators Universe and I seek
to keep a balance in my life.Today I hang with the winners, go to only nice
places and I no longer worry about the quantity, size or quality of my toys.

Today and every day I begin my day with "Thank You God," for giving me
this morning, and I end every day with an appreciative, "Thank You God,"
for allowing me to enjoy this day in Your world.

People, places and things...many have come and most are gone,
in God's time, not mine.

Today I appreciate that my Higher Power gives me the chance
to live every day to the fullest and I show my appreciation
by choosing to do the next right thing, one day at a time.

Happiness is being appreciative of the chances God has given us.


1 comment:

  1. "Happiness is being appreciative of the chances God has given us."

    I agree!
