Friday, December 31, 2010

Core Story.

Number 27


The Daily Challenge

from #reverb10,

December 31, 2010

Prompt: Core story.

What central story is at the core of you,
and how do you share it with the world?
(Bonus: Consider your reflections from this month.
Look through them to discover a thread you
may not have noticed until today.)

Focus and Balance.

For too many years I was the personification of self will run riot.
Me, me, my, my, mine, mine, my way or the highway.

Then, by a design not of my own, I was introduced to another world,
a world that included other people, a whole new world of different places
and a world where real people did not count things.

The new people taught me to seek a balance in my life,
to aspire to focus on doing the next right thing.

I have learned that I have a disease which affects me physically,
emotionally, and spiritually (better known as moral decay).

Only by hanging with the winners, by trying to help other affected individuals
and by maintaining a conscious contact with a Higher Power am I able
to have a life that is happy, joyous and free from guilt and shame.

I must do the above daily because when I lose my focus the old
stinking thinking returns and the balance in my life is destroyed.

“Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you must keep moving.”
  ~ Albert Einstein

I have been blogging every day for the past few years, sometimes two
or three a day, and the theme has always been a constant....change.

Grow in your understanding of yourself, your concern for others
and above all, humbly give thanks to a Higher Power that makes
all things possible.

God will give you the chance, the choices are yours.

Michael_e's mantram:  Be kind, be loving, be patient and tolerant,
                                   be the person God wants you to be.

"The mantram becomes one's staff of life and carries one through every ordeal.
Each repetition has a new meaning, carrying you nearer and nearer to God."  
~Mahatma Gandhi

Today I write to validate my focus, my balance, and to carry the message
to the many who do not know that there is an easier and softer way.

Happiness is helping someone help themselves.


Bonus: Thank God, nothing out of the ordinary in the past month
of blogging on #reverb10, just a validation that I am growing older
and trying to become wiser.
The old part is easy, the wise part I am never to sure about...


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