Friday, December 24, 2010

Everything's OK.

Number 20
The Daily Challenge
from #reverb10,

December 24, 2010

Prompt: Everything's OK.

What was the best moment
that could serve as proof
that everything is going
to be alright?
And how will you
incorporate that discovery
into the year ahead?

Oh thank God for learning to live on the positive side of the light.

Every day that I awake tells me that God is good, all the time,

and if I trust in Him everything will be  O.K..

In the dark it was scary, unnerving, suspcious, gossipy, untrusting,

unknowing and deceitful, plus a few hundred other negative feelings

which all seem to jump on me at the same time.

In the light I found faith.

God said, I'm O.K., you're O.K.,

and we must pray for the rest of the world.

Into life a little darkness must fall, but it will be O.K.,

as long as you know how to turn the light back on.

And for those naysayers who keep trying to turn off your light,

carry a candle in you pocket for such emergencies.

Go to only those concerts where everyone will have their own

Bic to flick.

Do only those things which are in the light of kindness and love.

Live in today and make sure the light is on.

Tomorrow, have faith and know that, God willing and the creek

don't rise, the light will always be with you.

Laugh, love, dance, sing and let all the worrying up to God.

Happiness is knowing that God said you're O.K.



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